When we arrived in Xijiang we were greeted by these youngsters that were curious about Kalila. We asked them where a good place to stay is and they led us up the hill to their uncle Li Lao Shi, a retired school teacher that has opened up his home as a guest house. Xijiang is one of the largest Miao villages in the Province of Guizhou. The Miao (called Hmong in Vietnam) are the hill tribes of Southern China. There are various clans of Miao. Xijiang is home to the Hua (flower) Miao.

Terraced mountains and timberframe houses.

Our Miao host family also had a one and a half year old, Li Chen Xi. He and Kalila were fast friends. By the end of a week young Li had already taught her some Miao dialect. 'Na na na' (eat food!). 'Bufumu' is 'thank you.'
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